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Dec 7, 2020
The Difference Between Empathy + Compassion
While there are most certainly gifts found in any quality we have, I want to share a more uncommon view of the empath.
Nov 29, 2020
How Sugar Affects Your Intuition + A Healthy, Delicious Cookie Recipe
It's no secret that eating loads of sugar isn't great for your physical health, but did you know that consuming a lot of sugar isn't...
Nov 23, 2020
What is Kriya?
In Sanskrit, "Kri" means action, to do; and "Ya" is another name for Soul (or Atman). So, kriya means “action that leads us to evolution,...
Nov 17, 2020
Animal Medicine: Lion
Lions move with ease, grace and sense of self confidence. Seeing a lion may be asking us to step into our confidence. Seeing a lion is...
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