You have come into contact with Moose Medicine on this beautiful Spring Equinox weekend! 🌷
This energy may mean that you have a reason to feel good about something you have accomplished on your journey ~ is it a habit you have overcome? Perhaps a project you finished, or a goal you are making good progress on?
Take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments as of lately, and don't dismiss the small ones, as every small accomplishment can lead to larger ones.
Moose Medicine is also associated with divine feminine energy! Some of the Indians believed that seeing a moose was a special, sacred gift. It means a unique and sacred energy is opening.
Moose are also a sign to listen more fully to your inner voice.
Things to do:
🌷Write down things you love about yourself + free write about your progress in life.
🥦 Eat more veggies.
✨ Trust your feelings.
Photos by Deidre around Jackson, Wyoming