You have just come into contact with snake medicine. 🐍
I love snakes! They are my favorite thing to see ~ as they are powerfully connected to primal, life force energy. Snakes, in many cultures, represent the source of life.
They are associated with the first chakra, bringing a grounding quality to their energy. They remind us to connect with the earth. And as summer approaches, the days are getting longer, we tend to get busy with plans and have a tendency to become ungrounded. Let the snake remind you to become aware of your life force energy... and become aware of your physical body by feeling the earth beneath you. Take this as an opportunity to stand outside with your eyes closed, feeling your bare feet on the earth. Smelling the scents of nature and tuning into the sounds.
If you see a snake, change, transitions as well as healing opportunities are opening to you. The snake asks you to let go of the old, to shed your skin that no longer fits.
What do you need to shed in order to step into your best self?
